The Digital Nomad “Dream Life”…

business lifestyle

Swinging in a hammock…

Perched between two palm trees…

Overlooking the beach…

Laptop cracked open…

Breeze blowing gently against your sun kissed skin…

Sounds dreamy, right?

That is until you actually try it.

...And can’t stop the sun from shining directly into your laptop screen.

...Or the sand from blowing in your eye.

...Or the wifi from cutting out.

I spent 10+ years traveling the world and working from wherever I could scrounge up some wifi.

And I’m here to tell you…

The hammock on a beach workspace will jack up your neck muscles faster than Connor Mcgregor on fight night.

I’ve traveled to 60+ countries around the world and it still blows my mind how easy it is to stay connected and run a million dollar online business from the corners of the globe.

Funny story…

When I visited Cuba I found myself staying in a bed and breakfast run by someones Grandma (who didn’t speak any english)…

Through google translate she asks me:

“How much wifi do you want?”

To which I answer (as any sane internet entrepreneur would):


After collecting her jaw from the floor she shook her head and replied:

“You get 2 hours.”

And every 2 hours I would re-up my internet privileges with Grandma.

If you’re starting an online business and looking to travel the world…

Just know what you’re in for.

It can be the most free and liberating experience of your life.

Just be prepared for Grandma.

(Who doesn’t take “Unlimited” for an answer…)

One year I filed my taxes from inside the walls of a real medieval castle…

Another year, I spent my birthday overlooking the desert surrounded by the Pyramids in Egypt…

The freedom that comes from running your own business online is priceless.

And I can’t think of anything I would want more for you than a life of freedom and fulfillment.

To do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.

And not have to worry about having enough to pay the bills next month.

It’s possible.

And is exactly what we’ll be exploring in future emails.

So if that's something you're interested in - stay tuned :)

Have a good Thursday.

- Adam


If you are looking to start and scale an online business so that you can have the freedom to enjoy your life by working less and making more join the free daily newsletter below.