What do you want?
When I first started my online business over 10 years ago I wanted to make money.
Because honestly, at the time, I was broke.
What I didn’t understand at the time was that what I was really after was Freedom…
- Freedom to wake up without an alarm clock every day…
- Freedom to work on projects that excite me…
- Freedom to travel the world and work from anywhere I wanted…
Here’s what my 10+ year journey making multiple 7 figures online has taught me:
Money is an external tool to get the internal feeling you really desire.
What is it the internal feeling you really desire?
Try this:
“I want money so that I can feel _________”
When you understand what you’re really aiming for, you have a much better chance of getting there.
But here’s where things get confusing…
Money by itself will not actually get you the internal feeling you desire.
Which is why you see people win the lottery and end up feeling miserable…
Or people who inherit a large sum of money and are left feeling empty and unfulfilled…
Here’s why:
It’s not the money that generates the internal feeling.
It’s the journey of making the money that addresses your blocks to the internal feeling.
Confused yet?
In tomorrows email I will expand… and share the single most important thing you must understand about making money.
You must understand the game you are playing if you are going to play it well.
Between now and then, enjoy some Winnie the Pooh:
- Adam
If you are looking to start and scale an online business so that you can have the freedom to enjoy your life by working less and making more joinĀ theĀ free daily newsletterĀ below.